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Book specifications:
- 115 grams bone-white soft-tone color paper bookblock
- 50 pages total
- Full color printed internal lay-out design
- Leather bound hardcover
- Black end-papers
- 23ct. gold foil sigil stamped to the front cover
- 5 in. x 8 in.
leather-bound hand numbered copy number 131/180

From the publisher, 

"The books are in perfect condition and all of the pages are perfectly readable, besides here and there, the images in the facsimile section in this book were incorrectly cropped/cut"

The Cyprianus: Clavis Inferni (translated Key of Hell) is a late 18th-century book for the purpose of the practice of black magic. The aim for the publication of this book is to make it available to students and practitioners who are interested in researching the grimoires of the Solomonic & Goetic Tradition. The text in the original version of the Clavis Inferni was written in a mixture of Latin, Hebrew and a cypher alphabet called 'Transitus Fluvii' or "Passing through the River" by C. Agrippa.Excerpt of the Introduction text by A.D. Mercer.Despite the title of the manuscript, it is important to establish that there is no possibility that the present text is by the (in)famous St.Cyprian. Due to his supposed magical dealings, prior to his conversion to Christianity, St. Cyprians name has become attached to a wide range of magical tracts and works. Note that this is not the classic St. Cyprian, the Bishop of Carthage from the 3rd century, but the supposed Bishop of Antioch, however there is no recorded Bishop of Antioch by that name. Nevertheless the name has been linked to magical practises around the world, most notably magic from Spain and Portugal and, in particular, their respective former colonies in South America. Cyprian also features in some magical traditions in Scandinavia where he plays a central role similar to that of Faust in Germany and Central Europe, with tales of pacts with the devil etc. as well as being the supposed author of other magical tracts...........The manuscript itself may well fit into the Solomonic cycle of magical Grimoires as it is chiefly influenced by Agrippas Three Books of Occult Philosophy (where the author has used the Passing the River script found in Agrippas book) and by the Heptameron, which contains conjuration spells that are similar to the ones found in the present manuscript. There are also signs of influence, or at least evidence that the author had access to,other texts including The Grimoire of Pope Honorius and The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses, both of which appear to be the source for the particular spellings of the names of Demon Kings used in the Clavis, indeed the use the word Clavis itself points the Solomonic cycle. Thus confirming that this is a classic grimoire for that tradition.

CYPRIANUS: KEY OF HELL Leather-bound Aeon Sophia Press MISPRINT

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